On the auspicious occasion of Krishna Janmashtami – the celebration of birth of Yogeshwara Lord Krishna on Earth, we bow before Him, try to learn from his life story and lessons from the Bhagavad Gita 🙏🙏 Krishna’s life shows us that even God has to face challenging situations sometimes but they can be overcome.
🌺So, we should not despair. With faith in the Supreme Power and efforts in the right direction, we can overcome all difficulties in life.🌺
Two of the verses on Yoga in Bhagavad Gita are given here –

🌺Hence, through Yoga, one can attain eternal bliss and be free from misery. Let us all resolve today to practice Yoga regularly and with full dedication.🌺
Happy Krishna Janmashtami to everyone!🙏 Please listen to Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago’s President Swami Ishatmanandaji’s wonderful discourse for this special occasion: https://youtu.be/NKVtOReNZdQ There is so much to learn and follow in our lives.🙏🙏

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