Utsahi Yoga Foundation September 21, 2020
On International day of peace, may we evaluate what it is that is disturbing the peace in our lives and find the right answers. Peace begins with ourselves. One of the biggest conflicts we face in our lives every day, lies within us. Our mind, our thoughts. May we take a few moments today to reach within, in silence, to understand ourselves better and find ways to reach our potential hence fulfilling our purpose in life. A simple practice that leads us to this state of peace and ultimate realization, is recitation of Om. A universal sound that brings peace within us and all around us. Practice recitation of Om by following the right technique* of thorough relaxation and breathing. You will experience the vibrations generated by this marvelous sound having a soothing effect on your brain waves and mind. At the end of the practice, you will feel more peaceful.
We recommend you begin and end your regular Yoga practice with recitation of Om and sitting in silence for some time in one of the meditative postures, so we get into this peaceful state. Allow yourself to continue to experience this peace and bliss by staying in that state for a longer duration of time, thus initiating meditation. Enjoy the feeling of being one with yourself, being at peace with your thoughts. Meditate upon an uplifting spiritual energy within you or a divinity that you have faith in, for a duration that is feasible for you. Once you discover the way of bringing peace within yourself, practice it regularly, spread the peace to your family, friends and the World around you. The 2020 theme for the International Day of Peace is “Shaping Peace Together.” As the United Nations has stated, “Celebrate the day by spreading compassion, kindness and hope in the face of the pandemic.”
Today, let us resolve to make efforts to follow these 3 –
- Find peace within ourselves first, as Buddha preached.
- Begin promoting peace by loving our family, as the Nobel Peace prize winner Mother Theresa advised.
- Bring peace by helping others, as per the profound wisdom of Swami Vivekananda.
Let us do our part in shaping peace together during this pandemic.
Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti (May Peace prevail within and around us)
*To learn the right technique of recitation of Om, please take some time to watch our lessons on YouTube

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