On the occasion of Guru Purnima, the special prayer that Guruji recited today is given below in Sanskrit and English –
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः
गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः
GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha
The word ‘Guru’ has 2 parts ‘Gu’ meaning darkness and ‘Ru’ meaning remover. A Guru, as we call a revered Teacher, removes the darkness of ignorance and enlightens our life with knowledge. A Guru is himself or herself an enlightened person.
Our own Guruji Prof. Laxmankumar embodies the great qualities of a true Guru, even in these modern times. All of his students who have been blessed with the opportunity to learn Yoga directly from him have experienced our Guruji’s extraordinary personality and traits! As described by his students, Guruji –
has a clear knowledge and deep understanding of Yoga yet is most modest and approachable
imparts knowledge of Yoga in a lucid, convincing way
teaches Yoga selflessly
accepts everyone as his student without any bias and adapts his teaching to their individual needs
keeps the doors to his class always open and welcomes everyone to participate
guides students not only in Yoga but in life
supports students, be it financially/emotionally or otherwise and thinks of them always, just like a caring parent does
gives time and energy to every single student, with unlimited patience and regardless of own needs
guides those who are lost, towards the right path
empowers students to overcome self-doubts and attain higher goals
motivates students to achieve perfection
inspires students to become the best version of themselves
teaches with a service-oriented mindset
teaches without any monetary or materialistic expectation
is a role model for all Yoga teachers
Guruji’s legacy is the number of people whose lives he has helped change to the better! Today, on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima, as a token of our gratitude to Guruji –
Let us all pledge to not allow the knowledge that he has imparted to us through his dedicated service, fade away.
Let us renew that knowledge by practicing Yoga regularly to gain all benefits – physical, mental, emotional, intellectual and spiritual, as he heartily wishes us to do.
Let us refresh that knowledge of Yoga by interacting with fellow students of Guruji for enriching experiences like regular classes, conferences, seminars etc., as he envisions.
Let us all come together as one Utsahi global family, as Guruji considers us and actively help spread word about Guruji’s Utsahi Yoga foundation and it’s activities, so all those who are in need, can get the wonderful benefits of Yoga.
Let us be self-motivated to do our part by contributing our ideas and joining in the efforts to take Guruji’s mission of ‘Yoga for all’ to future generations.
Please join us in praying for Guruji’s good health and well-being, the way he prays for us
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti. May peace prevail within us and all around us.
Stay safe, stay healthy and be Utsahi (enthusiastic)!
Please leave your thoughts and messages in the comment box with your location so we know where you are sending the message from.
Learn more about Guruji here – What is Utsahi Yoga? – Utsahi Yoga Foundation
#BeUtsahi #UtsahiYoga #InspireAndBeInspired

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